
What If the EPISODE!

We had a little fun this week and did a whole podcast centered around the weekly segment “What If?”

We love doing this segment on the weekly podcast because the questions are sent in by the listeners and although we have them listed it is randomly picked at the time of recording so you get the raw on the spot answer from Chappy and Cody. If you have a hypothetical “What If” question drop it down below in the comments and we will put it in the list.

This week Cody and Chappy were asked “What If” you won the lottery, how would you set up your motorcycle future? Some of the suggestions were a bit funny but some were pretty intriguing.

We would like to thank everyone who has sent in a what if question so far, and thank everyone for listening to these two old guys ramble on for the better part of an hour. As Cody would say thanks for lending us your ear holes!

2 Responses

  1. Great episode guys! Congrats on the growth of the Podcast. I would love to buy as many bikes and atvs as possible and just let people come and ride at no charge on a huge property! 55 acres in WV? Thats interesting! Just dont tell many people how awsome it is here lol. Looking forward to next weeks Podcast.

    • Appreciate the feedback! I am with you on the don’t tell people angle lol. Thanks for your continued support, it means a lot to us.

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